Friday, July 31, 2009

Thoughts on 3.2

So does anyone else have mixed feelings about 3.2? I mean I'm all for the mount changes and such but why do they have to go and gimp my feral kitty's dps? I know some other nerfs are coming for other classes but I'm also hearing that they've boosted some pally builds and other stuff as well.

I'm really looking forward to getting prepared so when it comes I can hit up that colliseum. It sounds like fun for sure and you can bet I'll be posting about it when that time comes.

Overall, I have mixed feelings about 3.2, and I'm afraid it may hurt my feral dps enough that I change to boomkin...blah and I love my kitty too. Well, we'll see, I've heard mixed things from my fellow druids who got on the test realm. some say the nerf hurts others say its no more than a 200 dps drop which really isn't that bad. We'll see I guess.

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